July 2009 Hot Rod Deluxe Magazine
New Condition.
The July 2009 issue of Hot Rod Deluxe includes: Roddin’ at Random; Lost & Found – Dick Lane’s Kurtis Roadster; Then and Now – Candies & Hughes funny car; Straight Axle Muscle featuring Bill Thompson’s Nova and Dale Snoke’s Dart; Great vintage straight-axle gasser photos from the archive; Dean Arnold’s custom Thunderbird bubble roadster feature; Kris Elmer’s 1932 Ford Roadster feature; Dick Steinkamp’s custom 1953 Studebaker Sport Coupe feature; A look at vintage race decals; The Eastwood & Barakat Deuce Tudor; Parts With Appeal featuring model Heather Rae; Build a Mopar Max Wedge for less than $7,000, by Steve Magnante; How to keep the purple hornies out of your chrome headers; Scrapbook; plus more great features and editorial.
Another great issue of Hot Rod Deluxe that will make a addition to your collection..