September/October 2020 Modern Rodding
Here is issue number two of Modern Rodding – a magazine where the past, present, and future of rodding lives.
This issue includes: Don Sangster’s 1932 highboy fordor; Mick Blaine’s 1955 Chevy; How to get that perfect sanding and buffed finish on your sheetmetal; In the Shop featuring Alloway’s Hot Rod Shop; Monty Belsham’s AMBR-winning 1932 Ford Muroc; Installing a Vintage Air system in an early street rod; Yaniv Sanane’s 1968 Mustang; Control arm upgrade in a 1964 Chevelle; Ken Thurm custom changes to a 1932 Ford roadster; Doug Klett’s 1936 Ford coupe; Embossing metal panels how-to; plus more great editorial from In The Garage Media’s Modern Rodding magazine.