1964 Popular Hot Rodding’s Drag Racer’s Handbook magazine
Good Condition – Magazine is complete with some minor cover wear and creasing. The spine shows some subtle use-wear and the pages are in excellent condition with some slight yellowing mostly around the edges from age.
This rare, special issue includes: Drag Racing USA; Wheelstand Pictorial; Tuning for Speed; What Class to Race; Big John Mazmanian’s Corvette; Jim Morris’s 1925 Buick; Why today’s rails can’t crack 200-mph consistently; George Adriance’s rail; Dick Burley’s Mr. B, B roadster; Ray Nichel’s Dodge stocker; How the Chevy small-block is beating the Chrysler; The Domehead Chrysler is king; Don Garlets’ Swamp Rat VI dragster; What you must know about fuel injection; Close look at the Hydromatic transmission; Chris Karamesines’ Chizler dragster; Scotty’s Muffler Shop dragster; Barris Kustom and Skip Barret experimental three-wheel turbine drag racer; plus more great drag racing editorial. tech, and vintage photos.
This rare issue has some fantastic vintage drag stuff and is a great piece of drag racing history.