Hot Rod Deluxe
Best of the Best
This very special limited edition issue contains the best vintage and contemporary photography from the last 23 issues of Hot Rod Deluxe, the magazine all about hot rodding the way it really was in the '40s, '50s, and '60s. This special issue features republished the most alluring and vintage photos that have appeared in the last 23 issues of Hot Rod Deluxe, enlarging them and adding sharp detail that was likely lost when they were first published. This newsstand-only edition is trimmed at a larger size, and on whiter, thicker paper than what's offered in a regular issue. With this issue, you'll find yourself lost in time.
Best of the Best
This very special limited edition issue contains the best vintage and contemporary photography from the last 23 issues of Hot Rod Deluxe, the magazine all about hot rodding the way it really was in the '40s, '50s, and '60s. This special issue features republished the most alluring and vintage photos that have appeared in the last 23 issues of Hot Rod Deluxe, enlarging them and adding sharp detail that was likely lost when they were first published. This newsstand-only edition is trimmed at a larger size, and on whiter, thicker paper than what's offered in a regular issue. With this issue, you'll find yourself lost in time.