January 2021 Volume 2 Issue 1 Modern Rodding Magazine
January 2021 Modern Rodding – a magazine where the past, present, and future of rodding lives.
This issue includes: Dean Livermore’s 1955 Chevy Gasser; In the Garage – The Dave Simard Story; How to Select the right hot rod alternator; Amadeo Angelo’s 1936 Ford coupe; Building a 1956 Ford Ranch Wagon; Dave and Janice’s 1961 Chevy Impala; Fitting a 1959-1964 Chevy B-body onto an AME Independent Chassis; Billy Grimsley’s 1932 Ford roadster; Selecting the correct brakes for your ride; John Callies’1937 Simca; Installing a clutch linkage and new handle for a T5 transmission; plus more great editorial from In The Garage Media’s Modern Rodding magazine.